The project "LØYLY: discovering the Balto-Scandic traditional music heritage" was inspired by founding the folk band LØYLY Orchestra. Most of the band members met during the NordTrad folk music conference in April 2022, Oslo, where folk music students from Denmark, Sweden, Estonia and Finland held a traditional competition of playing polkas. Now 7 musicians want to focus on finding out about how the polka was played and danced in different regions around the Baltic Sea, but also explore how different communities are interacting with traditional music and dance today.
📸 Timmy Gasslander
LØYLY Orchestra consists of Regina Mänd (Violin, EST), Kaisa Kuslapuu (Piano, EST), Marie Hamborg (Violin, DK) Albin Myrin (Klarinet & Violin, SE), Nicolaj Wamberg (Bas & Violin, NO), Pauliina Kauppila (Percussion, FIN) och Timmy Gasslander (Gtr & Mandolin, SE).